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Back Burner

Martin Budde

Back Burner

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Origin Records
UPC: 0805558289026
Catnr: ORIGIN 82890
Release date: 21 February 2025
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Origin Records
Catalogue number
ORIGIN 82890
Release date
21 February 2025

About the album

With a patient openness to musical directions, Seattle guitarist Martin Budde steers his trio through a collection of mostly original compositions on his first Origin recording. Thoroughly rooted in the fluid, modern jazz guitar sounds of the last 50 years, the lone cover, Joni Mitchell's "My Old Man," offers a hint to some early influences while playing Americana, country and folk music with his father in the backwoods of Alaska. Drummer Xavier Lecouturier and bassist Ben Feldman are his longtime collaborators in the more densely eclectic modern jazz sextet Meridian Odyssey, and here they collaborate beautifully on the space and sonorities of Budde’s trio aesthetic. Even through the moments of modern angularity, or introspective passages tinged with melancholy, there’s always a sense of uplift and openness in his music. More than just a stellar album, Back Burner is a declaration of arrival, as Budde sets his gaze on finding his own way forward.
Mit einer geduldigen Offenheit für musikalische Richtungen steuert der Gitarrist Martin Budde aus Seattle sein Trio durch eine Sammlung von überwiegend Eigenkompositionen auf seiner ersten Origin-Aufnahme. Das einzige Cover, Joni Mitchells „My Old Man“, ist ein Hinweis auf einige frühe Einflüsse, als er mit seinem Vater in den Hinterwäldern Alaskas Americana-, Country- und Folk-Musik spielte, und ist tief verwurzelt in den fließenden, modernen Jazzgitarrenklängen der letzten 50 Jahre. Der Schlagzeuger Xavier Lecouturier und der Bassist Ben Feldman sind seine langjährigen Mitstreiter in dem eklektischeren Modern-Jazz-Sextett Meridian Odyssey, und hier arbeiten sie wunderbar mit dem Raum und den Klangfarben von Buddes Trio-Ästhetik zusammen. Selbst in Momenten moderner Kantigkeit oder introspektiver, von Melancholie geprägter Passagen ist in seiner Musik immer ein Gefühl von Aufbruch und Offenheit zu spüren. Back Burner ist mehr als nur ein hervorragendes Album, es ist eine Erklärung der Ankunft, da Budde seinen eigenen Weg nach vorne finden will.


Martin Budde (guitar)

Martin Budde is a guitarist and composer/educator based in Seattle, WA. Growing up playing with family from a young age, he is partially self-taught and owes much of his musical development to his family, friends, and mentors such as bassists Chuck Deardorf and Marshall Hawkins. Martin has established himself over time as a reputable guitarist and composer in the Seattle area and on the West Coast where he performs regularly in a variety of groups. He co-founded the Seattle/New York-based contemporary jazz group Meridian Odyssey whose first release, Second Wave, was voted as one of the top 15 Seattle records of 2020 by The Seattle Times, and whose second full length album, Earthshine, was awarded the 2022 Golden Ear Award...
Martin Budde is a guitarist and composer/educator based in Seattle, WA. Growing up playing with family from a young age, he is partially self-taught and owes much of his musical development to his family, friends, and mentors such as bassists Chuck Deardorf and Marshall Hawkins. Martin has established himself over time as a reputable guitarist and composer in the Seattle area and on the West Coast where he performs regularly in a variety of groups. He co-founded the Seattle/New York-based contemporary jazz group Meridian Odyssey whose first release, Second Wave, was voted as one of the top 15 Seattle records of 2020 by The Seattle Times, and whose second full length album, Earthshine, was awarded the 2022 Golden Ear Award for NW Recording of the Year by Earshot Jazz. Martin's music is energetic, dynamic, and grounded, with a strong melodic voice that speaks to undercurrents of American music as a whole, and at the same time seeks to dive into unknowns.



Martin Budde (guitar)

Martin Budde is a guitarist and composer/educator based in Seattle, WA. Growing up playing with family from a young age, he is partially self-taught and owes much of his musical development to his family, friends, and mentors such as bassists Chuck Deardorf and Marshall Hawkins. Martin has established himself over time as a reputable guitarist and composer in the Seattle area and on the West Coast where he performs regularly in a variety of groups. He co-founded the Seattle/New York-based contemporary jazz group Meridian Odyssey whose first release, Second Wave, was voted as one of the top 15 Seattle records of 2020 by The Seattle Times, and whose second full length album, Earthshine, was awarded the 2022 Golden Ear Award...
Martin Budde is a guitarist and composer/educator based in Seattle, WA. Growing up playing with family from a young age, he is partially self-taught and owes much of his musical development to his family, friends, and mentors such as bassists Chuck Deardorf and Marshall Hawkins. Martin has established himself over time as a reputable guitarist and composer in the Seattle area and on the West Coast where he performs regularly in a variety of groups. He co-founded the Seattle/New York-based contemporary jazz group Meridian Odyssey whose first release, Second Wave, was voted as one of the top 15 Seattle records of 2020 by The Seattle Times, and whose second full length album, Earthshine, was awarded the 2022 Golden Ear Award for NW Recording of the Year by Earshot Jazz. Martin's music is energetic, dynamic, and grounded, with a strong melodic voice that speaks to undercurrents of American music as a whole, and at the same time seeks to dive into unknowns.



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